28 Aug 2021

Access MySQL Without Password

Typing mysql -u user -p asks us to provide the password, but the shell sometimes needs to be non-interactive.

Imagine a case where you need to take a complete backup of your database every night, and transfer it to S3; then how would you provide the MySQL password?

You can do something like this:

mysqldump -u user -p password my_database > mydatabase.dump

Typing the password as an argument is insecure because it leads to exposing the password in the .bash_history:

less /root/.bash_history
mysqldump -u user -p password my_database > mydatabase.dump

We can fix this issue by creating a local file named .my.cnf in the current user’s directory.

To be safe, I usually create a backup user bkp and protect the .my.cnf so only the bkp can read/write to it:

cd /home/bkp
touch .my.cnf
chmod u=rw,go-rwx .my.cnf

Lastly, open up the .my.cnf file and type the password as follows:


Now you can access mysql and mysqldump without password:

bkp@myserver:~# mysql
mysql> show databases;

That’s it. 🥳